3 Must-reads on ophthalmology


These articles highlight ocular emergencies, recent advancements, and what to do when a pet arrives to the clinic with trouble seeing

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Александр Лебедько/stock.adobe.com

When it comes to ophthalmology, a basic understanding of what to do and what is being presented in front of veterinary professionals at a clinic can help improve the pet's care and in some cases, save their vision. To help better prepare professionals, we have put together 3 must-read articles including how to recognize 3 ocular emergencies as well as what to do when an ocular patient comes into the clinic.

  • Recognizing 3 eye emergencies: During the 2024 Midwest Veterinary Conference, Ralph E Hamor, DVM, MS, DACVO, Hamor Veterinary Ophthalmology LLC, explained to attendees when an ocular condition becomes an emergency
  • Study finds purebred canines are not more prone to health problems: Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences researchers published a study in Frontiers of Veterinary Science showcasing their findings on the frequency of health conditions diagnosed in purebred and mixed-breed dogs.
  • Does the patient have vision?: For general practitioners, are you and your team prepared for a patient coming into the clinic with an ophthalmology emergency? Becky Telle, DVM, DACVO, from Veterinary Eye Center of NYC reviewed with attendees the common causes of ophthalmic blindness and mydriasis in patients during her New York Vet lecture.
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