3 must-sees for the holidays


These videos provide insight that will help keep you and companion animals safe and comforted, while also sharing some of the joy and merriment of the season.

Pet owner listening with her dog

Photo: Krakenimages.com/Adobe Stock

The busy holiday season is in full swing, keeping veterinarians and clients especially busy. The following videos (and a podcast) provide insight that will help keep you and your animal companions safe and comforted during this season of joy and merriment.

  1. Easy bake-at-home pet cookies to treat your fur babies for the holidays: In this holiday special episode of dvm360 Live!, Courtney Campbell, DVM, DACVS-SA and Adam Christman, DVM, MBA, a dive headfirst into the holiday fun with a simple pet cookie recipe.
  2. How to cope with holiday stress: Makenzie Peterson, MSc, director of well-being for the American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges, offered 3 tips veterinary professionals can use to combat holiday season stress in an interview with dvm360.
  3. Holiday karaoke extravaganza with Julia Miller and Adam Christman: The veterinarians, along with Kuma, sing some favorite holiday songs in a heartwarming segment of dvm360 Live!

Bonus content for podcast listeners:

Holiday toxins 101: In this episode of The Vet Blast Podcast, Renee Schmid, DVM, DABT, DABVT, discusses the risks that pets face this holiday season, and what happens when an animal ingests a toxin.

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