AAHA mourns loss of '03-'04 president elect


Denver-Friends say commitment to work, family and life best defined George A. Grieve, DVM, M.Sc.


Friends say commitment to work, family and life best defined George A. Grieve, DVM, M.Sc.

Grieve, 59, president-elect of the American Animal Hospital Association(AAHA) for the 2003-2004 term, died Jan. 26 of complications from cancer.

He was inducted to the position two days prior to his death.

"Dr. Grieve will be dearly missed by AAHA and the veterinary community,"says Dr. John Albers, AAHA executive director. "He was a true leaderwho was forever committed to the further enhancement of our profession."

Grieve may not have discovered AAHA had it not been for a friend fromcollege, Dr. Clayton MacKay, who put the bug in his ear in 1989. Shortlythereafter, MacKay, director of veterinary affairs for Hill's Pet NutritionCanada in Toronto, says Grieve was fulfilling his desire to continuallyimprove the standards of AAHA. His early roles with AAHA were almost entirelyinvolved with enhancing the standards, which is not always received wellby membership, notes MacKay.

"He believed so firmly that the standards would drive the AAHA associatesto new and better heights," MacKay adds. "He is an insistent kindof a guy that when he starts a project he's going to see it through to thefinish to make sure it gets done."

MacKay says he remained close friends with Grieve for nearly four decades.In fact, the ties run even deeper - MacKay's wife went to high school withGrieve and his wife.

"This has been a tremendous loss to all of us, especially for mebeing so close to George," MacKay says. "It's going to take along time for us to get over this."

Dr. Dennis Feinberg, colleague of Grieve's and vice president electof AAHA for 2003-2004, says he's never met such a "shining exemplarof a successful man."

Feinberg, who will assume the duties of Grieve's position but not thetitle, says he wanted people to remember Grieve by the time-honored wordsof Robert Louis Stevenson: "That man is a success who lives well, laughsoften and loves much, who gives the best that he has, expects the best fromothers and leaves the world better than he found it."

Seasoned in service

In addition to his elected posts, Grieve's service to AAHA includes stintsas area director and chairman of the standards committee. He was an activeparticipant on committees for editorial and publications, planning, annualmeetings, management associates, public relations and the practice teamtask force.

Grieve received his DVM from the University of Guelph, Ontario VeterinaryCollege in 1968. He earned his master's of science degree in pharmacologyfrom the University of Guelph in 1973.

He is survived by his wife, Betty; daughter Lori (Mike) Baker; son AndrewGrieve and one grandson.

Donations in his memory can be made to the Canadian Cancer Society bycalling (888) 939-3333.

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