The AAHA Press has published a comprehensive management book designed to reach both the beginner and experienced veterinary manager.
The AAHA Press has published a comprehensive management book designedto reach both the beginner and experienced veterinary manager.
"Practice Made Perfect: A Guide to Veterinary Practice Management"addresses issues such as personnel management, hospital revenue, financialcontrol, bookkeeping and more.
The easy-to-reference guide is a tool for managers, practice owners,associates and veterinary students.
DVM Newsmagazine contributor Dr. Marsha Heinke, EA, CPA, CVPM, and Dr.John B. McCarthy, MBA, are authors of the 460-page book.
The publication costs $74 for AAHA members and $89 for nonmembers. Toorder a copy, call AAHA at (800) 883-6301 or (303) 986-2800 or visit theonline bookstore at
In other news, AAHA Press is also releasing "Diagnostic Testingand Imaging: Creating a Profit Center," which details how to capitalizeon the market by building and marketing a profitable in-house diagnosticlaboratory and imaging department.
Author Coralee Eisner, CVT, MBA, outlines techniques for incorporatingin-house tests such as hematology, parasitology and urinalysis.