Dr Kathleen Cooney describes the end-of-life care process for those who may be interested in this field
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At the Fetch dvm360® conference in San Diego, California, Kathleen Cooney, DVM, MS, CHPV, CCFP, founder and director of education at Companion Animal Euthanasia Training Academy and chief medical officer of Caring Pathways Inc from Loveland, Colorado, described the animal hospice care fundamentals for veterinarian or technician attendees interested in pursuing this career path.1
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She first defined hospice care as when veterinary professionals recognize an animal has a terminal illness, a life-limiting condition that’s going to lead to death in a short manner of time or where they see age-related changes advanced enough that they can realize death is coming in about 3 months. “[This is when] we start into a new phase of care. We’re no longer advocating towards life; now we’re moving towards death,” said Cooney. She emphasized that hospice is not about finding a cure, but rather ensuring patients live as comfortably as possible to the end of their lives while helping to provide the most compassionate, satisfactory experience for the family. “Being a hospice worker is looking at [the pet] with a critical eye [to uncover] what is making today unpleasant and how can I make that better?” she added.
Cooney outlined the 5-step hospice strategy2 to follow when approaching these types of cases:
According to Cooney, its important to categorize care plans because this determines the frequency of communication with the pet’s family. The plans include the following: palliative care program (at least once a month communication); early hospice care (at least once a week); and advanced hospice care (at least once a day). The different stages are categorized by the factors below.
A palliative plan offers pet comfort medical care and is established when there is no specific disease process that is expected to end its life in the very near future. Cooney noted an important point, “You can have palliative care without hospice, diabetes is a great example…we’re not actually curing [the condition], were managing it…but you can’t have hospice without palliative care.”
Early hospice care is when the pet has a life-limiting condition with death predicted to come in about 1-2 months. Palliative care is further continued and there are more discussions to prepare the family for the pet’s approaching death.
This plan is when a pet’s death is expected in 1-2 weeks and consists of much more involved care and frequent communication with the pet’s family.
Because there are no available ways to measure when death is coming for sure, Cooney said determining what plan is appropriate for an animal is based on “what we know with disease protectories, such as what we know with lymphoma, end stage heart failure, [and] those things." She added, "So, we go from the literature with that, what’s the likelihood of living 3 months, 6 months, or whatever it might be.”