AVMA asks for help in updating its model practice act


Schaumburg, Ill. -- The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) wants your input on its revised Model Veterinary Practice Act (MVPA).

Schaumburg, Ill.

-- The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) wants your input on its revised Model Veterinary Practice Act (MVPA).

The MVPA, originally created in the 1960s and last updated in 2003, includes sections on veterinary medical boards, licensing, client confidentiality, veterinary education and more.

“This is an excellent opportunity for veterinarians and members of veterinary healthcare teams -- as well as pet owners, the public, farmers or really anybody who cares about animals and veterinary medicine -- to offer input that will help guide the profession,” says Dr. John Scamahorn, chair of the AVMA MVPA Task Force. The Model Veterinary Practice Act is used by state legislatures and state veterinary licensing and exam boards to help shape the rules and laws that govern the course of veterinary medicine.”

The revised MVPA can be found online at avma.org. A 30-day public comment period will begin in January 2011. AVMA asks that all comments address specific topics and include suggested language for the MVPA.

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