AVMA launches 24-hour Web channel


Schaumburg, Ill. -- The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) launched the first online, 24-hour Web channel dedicated to delivering information about veterinary medicine, animal health and animal welfare.

Schaumburg, Ill.

-- The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) launched the first online, 24-hour Web channel dedicated to delivering information about veterinary medicine, animal health and animal welfare.

The free site, www.avmatv.org, allows viewers to watch videos on initiatives, veterinary history, community, careers and news.

Current videos feature exotic animals, emerging diseases, food safety and more.

Affiliated organizations, including national associations, veterinary schools and state VMAs, will submit videos as well.

The purpose is to inform the public about the diverse roles of veterinarians.

Recent Videos
NAVC Gives
NAVC CEO Gene O'Neill
Co-founders of AAVMP
Stéphie-Anne Dulièpre
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