AVMA members report telephone scam


Schaumburg, Ill. -- The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is warning the veterinary community of a telephone scam being reported by its members.

Schaumburg, Ill.

-- The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is warning the veterinary community of a telephone scam being reported by its members.

Veterinarians and veterinary facilities have been reporting strange calls requesting names of veterinarians in a clinic, the name of the clinic and hours of operation, according to the AVMA.

The callers, who may or may not identify themselves, say they are representing the National Veterinary Board, but attempts to trace the calls went to a Nevada business with no relation to veterinary medicine. A representative at the business said they have been getting many calls about the problem, and telephone company officials have said the callers could be using the business' phone number as a "dummy" number.

The callers are rude, according to reports made to the AVMA, and say they are gathering information to "update their records."

The AVMA recommends that practices not give out any information to the callers and report such calls to local police departments as a precaution.

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