AVMA orders its own study on workforce needs


Schaumburg, Ill. -- While the profession awaits a national study on the needs of the veterinary workforce that has been years in the making, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has decided to undertake a study of its own.

Schaumburg, Ill. — While the profession awaits a national study on the needs of the veterinary workforce that has been years in the making, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has decided to undertake a study of its own.

AVMA announced July 14 that it is in the preliminary stages of designing a study of workforce availability and the needs across the profession. The study is being designed to put to rest conflicting perceptions on whether pockets of the profession are experiences excesses of shortages, AVMA says.

“Statistical study results will help us make the best decisions to address the challenges we face as a profession. It’s important to have solid evidence to back up the decisions we make, particularly in these tough economic times,” says AVMA President Dr. Larry Kornegay. “We need factual information to make fact-based decisions.”The scope of the study will be discussed in broader detail at a special session of the AVMA Executive Board August 21 to 23.

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