AVMA to post housing, employment listings for displaced DVMs


SCHAUMBURG, ILL. - 9/12/05 - The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is gathering a list of temporary housing and employment offers for veterinarians, technicians and other clinic staff affected by Hurricane Katrina.

SCHAUMBURG, ILL. - 9/12/05 - The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is gathering a list of temporary housing and employment offers for veterinarians, technicians and other clinic staff affected by Hurricane Katrina.

The offers will be posted daily at www.avma.org.

Practitioners who want to extend employment or housing offers and displaced individuals seeking help can e-mail AVMA at vetcareers@avma.org or call Cindy Coy at (800) 248-2862 ext. 6683. E-mailed requests should include "Katrina" in the subject line and contain contact information.

AVMA officials say they are working with state associations and their corresponding licensing boards to establish guidelines for temporary employment requirements.

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