AVMA questions credibility of Pew Commission report regarding antimicrobial resistance


Washington -- AVMA is questioning the scientific validity of the Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production report released last year, urging Congress not to consider it when voting on the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act (PAMTA).


-- AVMA is questioning the scientific validity of the Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production report released last year, urging Congress not to consider it when voting on the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act (PAMTA).

In a letter to the House and Senate, AVMA CEO Dr. W. Ron DeHaven, says the Pew Commission’s findings are being used to advocate for the PAMTA, but are not scientifically sound.

The AVMA questioned everything in the report, including how information was gathered to make recommendations, and cited a lack of quantifiable research.

DeHaven accuses the Pew Commission of being biased and not including the findings and suggestions “of a significant number of participating academicians.”

Highly restrictive bans on antibiotics proposed by the commission “have not been proven beneficial to public health,” as can be seen in studies in Denmark and the Netherlands following less restrictive bans than the ones proposed by the commission, DeHaven says.

He also says the report has significant shortfalls and lacks information on how to execute a new plan or program.

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