Banfield Foundation kicks off with first grant of $200k


Donation will support AVMFs Our Oath in Action program over the next three years.

The Banfield Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established by Banfield Pet Hospital, launched with its inaugural grant in October, a $200,000 commitment to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation's (AVMF) “Our Oath in Action” initiative over the next three years, according to a Banfield Foundation release. 

The AVMF is the charitable arm of the American Veterinary Medical Association. “Our Oath in Action” is designed to connect members of the veterinary profession with opportunities in their community. Its focus is to give veterinarians, technicians, assistants and staff the ability to reach out and connect with the public outside the hospital, the release states. 

The Banfield Foundation, while established by Banfield Pet Hospital, is a separate nonprofit entity. Through grants and service programs the foundation plans to focus on elevating the human-animal bond, strengthening the pet welfare community, providing disaster relief for pets and advancing the science of veterinary medicine, according to the release.

The foundation will initially focus on growing two programs-pet advocacy and veterinary assistance grants. Both are aimed at helping keep pets with their families and supporting struggling pet owners in covering the cost of preventive and emergency medical care and medications.

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