Biden buys dog, PETA set to air ad


Animal activists upset that Vice President-elect didn't choose a shelter dog. Share your opinion.

Soon-to-be VP, Joe Biden, picked out a pup two weekends ago, an action that has some animal lovers oohing and others booing. Like the Obamas, the Bidens also decided to get a dog if they won the election. But unlike Barack Obama, Joe Biden never specified where he'd go looking, shelter or breeder. Where did the Biden dog search end?

At Jolindy's German Shepherd Kennel in Spring City, Pa., where Biden and his wife Jill found their new puppy. The coordinater of the police K-9 division in Biden's home county of New Castle, Del., found the breeder for the Bidens. The policeman will also be participating in the puppy's training.

While the Bidens wait for their grandchildren to name the puppy, others are taking action. The organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) will air an ad in response to Biden purchasing a dog rather than adopting one. The controversial ad, "Buy One, Get One Killed," features a family receiving a body bag after buying a dog from a breeder. The ad closes with the staggering statistic, "Four million unadopted animals are killed in shelters every year. Adopt. Never buy."

To view the ad or read PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk's letter to Vice President-elect Joe Biden, which she sent him before the dog purchase, click here.

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