BizQuiz: Can you temper team conflict? (Answer 1a)


Taking the BizQuiz? This is the answer to question 1 of "Can you temper team conflict?"

1) A-Right.

According to a 2009 Firstline survey, 52 percent of Firstline readers said gossip had soured co-worker relationships at their practices. The next most common side effect of conflict: 25 percent of readers said distracted employees didn't reinforce care recommendations at their practices. And third is that 24 percent of readers said team members angry because of conflict with a co-worker ended up being unfriendly to clients.

As you can see, conflict is a dangerous game to play at veterinary practices because it doesn't only hurt team members, but clients and patients as well. Continue with this quiz to see whether you're equipped to prevent co-worker conflict.

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