Ottawa, Canada - Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) was confirmed Aug. 15 in a six-year-old beef cow, according to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).
Photo: Yoshio Sawargai/Getty Images
Ottawa, Canada - Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) was confirmed Aug. 15 in a six-year-old beef cow, according to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).
No part of the animal's carcass entered the human food or animal feed systems, Canadian health authorities say.
The animal's birth farm in Alberta has been identified, and an investigation is underway. The CFIA is tracing the animal's herdmates at the time of birth and examining possible sources of infection. The age and location of the infected animal are consistent with previous cases detected in Canada.
This case was detected through the national BSE surveillance program, which, state officials say, has been highly successful in demonstrating the low level of BSE in Canada. "The program continues to play an important role in Canada's strategy to manage BSE," CFIA reports.
Canada remains a Controlled Risk country for BSE, as recognized by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Accordingly, this case should not affect exports of Canadian cattle or beef, officials say.