Providing Butterfly iQ+ Vet at the school will prepare veterinary students for the clinical portion of their education and beyond
Purdue veterinary students introduced to the Butterfly iQ+ Vet ultrasound while in a skills lab.(Photo courtesy of Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine).
Butterfly Network, Inc and Purdue University of College Veterinary Medicine have teamed up to incorporate Butterfly iQ+ Vet—the only single probe, whole-body, multi-species imaging system—at the college for veterinary students' use.
According to a news release,1 the smartphone-operated Butterfly iQ+ Vet ultrasound system will be assigned to groups of 4 to 6 Purdue veterinary students to use in courses such as anatomy and physiology to bolster their 3-dimensional knowledge of anatomy. Students will perform ultrasound on phantom models and live animals along with traditional dissection and palpation to confirm and reinforce their knowledge of organ structure and position in vivo. In support of the initiative, the Purdue Office of the Provost provided a grant to the college.
“Incorporating this technology early in the curriculum is especially significant because ultrasound is rapidly becoming an integral diagnostic tool for veterinary and human medicine, on par with the stethoscope,” commented Susan Mendrysa, PhD, associate professor of basic medical sciences, who coordinated the proposal for the grant from the Provost’s Office.1
She added that offering Purdue students “with access to the Butterfly iQ+ Vet ultrasound device from the beginning of their training will give them opportunities to hone their hand-eye coordination and gain experience in obtaining standardized ultrasound, thereby enhancing their preparation for the clinical portion of their education.”
The veterinary students will be familiarized with the Butterfly iQ+ Vet ultrasound during a skills lab. Through utilizing the Butterfly ultrasound probe, students can explore in a self-directed way the anatomical relationships among organs and differences within and between species. Additionally, students can upload images to the Butterfly Cloud for interactive discussions among classmates and faculty members instructing the courses. The ultrasound probe can be plugged into a student’s smartphone or tablet, which will operate the unit and display the ultrasound images.
Butterfly Network, Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine collaborate to advance ultrasound education. News release. Butterfly Network, Inc; Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine. July 26, 2022. Accessed July 27, 2022.