Squeeze, roll and punch your way to a calmer day in veterinary practice with these toys.
OK, first things first: These are great stress relief toys, but don't let your patients eat them. We hunted for neurosis- and nerve-calming items that patients wouldn't or couldn't eat, but we couldn't find good ones. If you have some, hit us up at ve@advanstar.com. (Squeezing a bandage roll, anyone?)
This may be too much Fidget Cube for any one DVM. For your own safety, moderate your fidgeting.
One cube to rule them all
It's multipurpose! Well, maybe not multipurpose, but the Fidget Cube is multifaceted.
Like clicking pens? Click the button side. Like rolling thumb joysticks? Glide side. Switch the switch back and forth on the flip side. Get your worry stone on and rub with the breathe side. Tick the tumblers on the roll side. Whiz round and round the spin side.
When we posted this in mid-September, the Kickstarter had reached $3.7 million of an original $15,000 goal. See? You're not the only obsessive fidgeter out there.
Fans of the film Rocky, the video game Mike Tyson's Punch Out and Anger from Pixar's Inside Out will enjoy this.
Punch out!
There are a lot of office-friendly punching bags. We picked this one.
Don't bottle up your bad day and wait to take it out on your steering wheel on the drive home.
If you've got a target in mind, we won't tell you whose face to tape to the bag, but you know who.
When you pound it so much and so hard that the air goes out, there's a pump included. Go ahead and angrily pump it up too for even more efficient channeling of aggression.
This putty may not make you any more clever, but perhaps less stressed?
I'll be putty in your hands
Because it is putty. We're being literal here, folks.
Clever Putty [......] can be "moulded, stretched, torn, twisted and bounced."
Feel the anxiety drain away as you squeeze it long and squish it short, as you ball it up or throw it at the wall.
Watch for hair and fur, though. I bet hair gets in this thing. But then it turns into petting putty, so is that a bonus?
Round and round they go
OK, last but not least, my personal favorite for fidgeting relaxation has always been and remains the baoding balls. The feel of the balls rotating in close orbit in my hands, the gentle scratching of metal on metal, the sizzling hiss as they spin and spin ... I mean, I'm calmer just thinking about it. There are thousands of varieties. Here's one.
They come in bigger and bigger sizes, so as your rotating technique gets better and better, you can move to larger and heavier balls. Round ... and round ... and round ...