Cases and diseases that keep you up at night (Proceedings)


A series of dermatologic case presentations.

Case Presentation: "J.R. Smith"

Signalment: 19 month, male entire, Jack Russell Terrier, 9.4 kg

History: Tentative diagnosis of autoimmune dermatopathy. Currently being treated with prednisone 10 mg bid. Topical therapy includes a sulfur and salicylic acid shampoo. History includes a chronic crusting, ulcerative facial dermatitis. Previous biopsy reveals folliculitis, furunculosis and dermal cellulitis; bacterial, fungal or parasitic organisms not observed.

Differential Diagnosis:

Diagnostic Plan:

Diagnostic Findings:

Final Diagnosis and Treatment Plan:

Case Presentation: "Tucker"

Signalment: 19 Six year old, CM, Rottweiler, Black & Tan, 54 kg

History: Chief complaint of facial swelling of six week duration. Habitat is wooded area with putative snake bite seven weeks prior to presentation. Treated with enrofloxacin 136 mg tab- 3 bid X 5 days. Biopsies acquired with pyogranulomatous dermatitis reported without evidence of infectious or parasitic agents. Antibiotics changed to cephalexin 1500 mg bid and continued treatment with 1.2 mg thyroxine

Differential Diagnosis:

Diagnostic Plan:

Diagnostic Findings:

Final Diagnosis and Treatment Plan:

Case Presentation: Dylan

Signalment and history: Six year old male Stafordshire Terrier, white with tan areas. Chronic history of 4 years of progressive dermatolpatyh characterized by the evolvement of papules and bullae with limited response to systemic and topical antibiotic therapy. Pruritus has been variable with some seasonal variation demonstrating intensification during the summer months. The lesions on examination include comedones, papules, nodules, hemorrhagic bullae and scar formation. Predominant distribution includes the head and trunk although a prominent pododermatitis was observed. There are no other incontact pets and Dylan was current on all vaccinations and currently on heartworm prevention.

The dermatologic problem has been under the referring veterinarians care for the past three years and a biopsy had been prformed demonstrating folliculitits and furunculosis.

Differential Diagnosis:

Diagnostic Plan:

Diagnostic Findings:

Final Diagnosis and Treatment Plan:

Case Presentation: "Dinah"

Signalment: Eight year old DSH SF

History: Chief complaint of alopecia. History of compulsive licking and hair pulling with occasional scratching. Previous injection of unknown drug. Strictly indoor cat with one other normal cat in household. No other medical problems with two year history of current problem.

Differential Diagnosis:

Diagnostic Plan:

Diagnostic Findings:

Final Diagnosis and Treatment Plan:

Case Presentation: "Frieda"

Signalment: Four year old, spayed female, tri colored Chihuahua

History: Chief complaint of hairloss without pruritus. Progressive alopecia over the previous 2.5 years with multiple tests performed with non-diagnostic findings. Previous laboratory data includes: Total T4 = 22 nmol/L (n=20-55), CBC & chemistries within normal values, ACTH stimulation test = Pre ACTH 85 nmol/L (n=30-160); Post ACTH = 320 nmol/L (n =220 – 560).

Differential Diagnosis:

Diagnostic Plan:

Diagnostic Findings:

Final Diagnosis and Treatment Plan:

Case Presentation: "Cladius"

Signalment: Two year old, feline, neutered male, Silver Mack tabby

History: Wound on ventral abdomen for two months prior to presentation. Previous biopsy on non-healing wound interpreted as pyogranulomatous panniculitis and steatites with no infectious agents observed. Previous treatment included surgical debridement and antibiotic therapy (clindamycin, Clavamox and Zeniquin)

Differential Diagnosis:

Diagnostic Plan:

Diagnostic Findings:

Final Diagnosis and Treatment Plan:

Case Presentation: "Bonnie"

Signalment: Eight year old, female spayed, Scottish Terrier, 11 kg

History: Chronic ulcerative/crusting dermatopathy with minimal response to assorted therapy. Gradual nasal depigmentation with a duration of 2.5 years. Diagnosis of pemphigus by dermatopathology with current medication of 2.2 mg/kg prednisone and azathioprine 2.2 mg /kg qod.

Differential Diagnosis:

Diagnostic Plan:

Diagnostic Findings:

Final Diagnosis and Treatment Plan:

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Jason B. Pieper, DVM, MS, DACVD
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