ClinQuiz: Eye on leptospirosis (Sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc.) Answer 3C
3 C. — Correct!
A study of more than 1 million vaccinated dogs conducted by George Moore et al. revealed no increased allergenicity of vaccines containing Leptospira. In this study, adverse vaccine reactions increased as body size decreased and increased as the number of vaccines administered at a single visit increased. Decreasing the number of vaccines administered at one visit significantly reduced the risk of vaccine reactions. Thus it is recommended that this patient be vaccinated for leptospirosis. However, given that it is a small dog, decreasing the number of vaccines administered at each visit may decrease the risk of an adverse reaction.
*Reference: Moore GE, Guptill LF, Ward MP, et al. Adverse events diagnosed within three days of vaccine administration in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2005;227:1102–1108.
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