ClinQuiz: Fast tick facts-References


Reference list for ClinQuiz: Fast tick facts

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1. Yeagley TJ, Richard MV, Hempstead JE, et al. Detection of Babesia gibsoni and the canine small Babesia sp. "Spanish Isolate" in confiscated pit bull terriers. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2009:in press.

2. Ewing SA, Panciera RJ. American canine hepatozoonosis. Clin Microbiol Rev 2003;16(4):688-697.

3. Johnson EM, Allen KE, Panciera RJ, et al. Infectivity of Hepatozoon americanum cystozoites for a dog. Vet Parasitol 2008;154(1-2):148-150.

4. Allen KE, Li Y, Kaltenboeck B, et al. Diversity of Hepatozoon species in naturally infected dogs in the southern United States. Vet Parasitol 2008;154(3-4):220-225.

5. Piesman J, Maupin GO, Campos EG, et al. Duration of adult female Ixodes dammini attachment and transmission of Borrelia burgdorferi, with description of a needle aspiration isolation method. J Infect Dis 1991;163(4):895-897.

6. Spencer RR, Parker RR. Rocky Mountain spotted fever: infectivity of fasting and recently fed ticks. Public Health Rep 1923;38:333-339.

7. Thorner AR, Walker DH, Petri WA Jr. Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Clin Infect Dis 1998;27(6):1353-1359.

8. Katavolos P, Armstrong PM, Dawson JE, et al. Duration of tick attachment required for transmission of granulocytic ehrlichiosis. J Infect Dis 1998;177(5):1422-1425.

9. Kidd L, Breitschwerdt EB. Transmission times and prevention of tick-borne disease in dogs. Compend Cont Ed Prac Vet 2003;25:742-751.

10. Oliver JH Jr, Lin T, Gao L, et al. An enzootic transmission cycle of Lyme borreliosis spirochetes in the southeastern United States. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003;100(20):11642-11645.

11. Wormser GP, Dattwyler RJ, Shapiro ED, et al. The clinical assessment, treatment, and prevention of Lyme disease, human granulocytic anaplasmosis, and babesiosis: clinical practice guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis 2006;43(9):1089-1134.

12. Bowman D, Little SE, Lorentzen L, et al. Prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis, Borrelia burgdorferi, Ehrlichia canis, and Anaplasma phagocytophilum in dogs in the United States: results of a national clinic-based serologic survey. Vet Parasitol 2009;160(1-2):138-148.

13. Companion Animal Parasite Council. Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi) guidelines. Available at|~ . Accessed February 19, 2009.

14. O'Connor TP, Esty KJ, Hanscom JL, et al. Dogs vaccinated with common Lyme disease vaccines do not respond to IR6, the conserved immunodominant region of the VlsE surface protein of Borrelia burgdorferi. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 2004;11(3):458-462.

15. Childs JE, Paddock CD. The ascendancy of Amblyomma americanum as a vector of pathogens affecting humans in the United States. Annu Rev Entomol 2003;48:307-337.

16. Piesman J, Eisen L. Prevention of tick-borne diseases. Annu Rev Entomol 2008;53:323-343.

17. Dantas-Torres F. The brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille, 1806) (Acari: Ixodidae): from taxonomy to control. Vet Parasitol 2008;152(3-4):173-185.

18. Demma LJ, Traeger MS, Nicholson WL, et al. Rocky Mountain spotted fever from an unexpected tick vector in Arizona. N Engl J Med 2005;353:587-594.

19. Dryden MW, Payne PA. Biology and control of ticks infesting dogs and cats in North America. Vet Ther 2004;5(2):139-154.

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