Make time fly.
We try not to make our clients wait too long in the exam rooms, but it does happen occasionally. To solve waiting boredom and educate clients, we put a cork board in each exam room filled with magazine articles or interesting tips pertinent to the season. We rotate these article clips once every two weeks to keep them fresh, fun, and interesting.
—Hanna Mudder, CVT
Mountain View Veterinary Hospital
Sheridan, Wyo.
If you're sick and tired of seeing plastic Elizabethan collars piled in the corner, put some towel hooks to work. Install a row of them along one wall and hang the collars on the hooks according to size. This simple solution gets the collars off the floor, and it's easy to maintain.
—Jessica Stuart, CVT
Essex Veterinary Center
Essex, Vt.
Veterinary Heroes: Patricia Kennedy Arrington, DVM, CVFP
December 1st 2024As a leader in 24-hour veterinary care and a champion for women in the field, Patricia Kennedy Arrington, DVM, CVFP, has dedicated her 50-year career to transforming veterinary medicine and inspiring future practitioners.
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