Overcoming client challenges in canine otitis treatment
Anticipating obstacles can help ensure the successful treatment of dogs suffering from otitis.
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Updates in treating FIP
Drs Adam Christman and Christopher Byers highlight recent FIP treatment advancements
New animal food ingredient review process is approved by AAFCO
AAFCO is partnering with Kansas State University for the new regulatory review process
Bridging the gap in dentistry education
Doug Aspros, DVM, joins this episode of The Vet Blast Podcast to discuss education gaps in veterinary dentistry and how to potentially close them
Get in the know with Lepto
Christopher Lee, DVM, MPH, DACVPM, provides listeners with more information on Leptospirosis, including whether or not vaccinations are dangerous for patients.
Study links owner demographics and canine nutrition
The Dog Aging Project recently discovered owner age has a bigger influencer over their pet’s diet than education or income