The facilitated approach shakes up the old hour-long lecture approach and gives veterinary professionals a way to stay engaged and make their learning count beyond checking a box.
CVC is now Fetch, a dvm360 conference, and we're taking the name change to heart. That means delivering a 360-degree conference experience that still focuses on great CE but kicks the learning up a notch. After a session, we want you to do more than just check a box off your list. We want Fetch dvm360 to provide you with knowledge, skills, tools and relationships that give you what you need so you can give pets what they need.
Sounds great, you might be thinking (or we hope you're thinking), but how can you fit all of that into one session? Answer: facilitation.
Facilitated sessions dismiss the usual linear lecture format in which the speaker downloads facts and figures into the brains of a passive, silent audience. Instead, facilitated sessions capitalize on the knowledge, experience and real-world issues you bring to the session by adding another person to the front of the room (the facilitator) to lead various activities and act as a bridge between you and the speaker. These sessions also recognize that your brain needs breaks to stay engaged (and awake!) over an hour-long session.
So what does all of this look like? Here are some of the activities you can expect in facilitated sessions:
Here's a practical example, if that helps: In Kansas City, Betsy Charles, DVM, MA, served as the facilitator for Cynthia Otto, DVM, PhD, DACVECC, whose sessions covered canine sports medicine. Dr. Otto told attendees about a study that found dogs at a healthy weight can live two years longer than overweight dogs. Dr. Charles then asked attendees to write down how they could explain that study to a client in the exam room in a compelling way. They were able to jot down their ideas before sharing in small groups and then with the entire room. The study was good information, but the simple activity helped solidify how to take that information and apply it to solve real-life exam room issues.
You won't just walk out of Fetch dvm360 facilitated sessions knowing you learned something great. You'll leave with an action plan to apply at least one of those things you learned. And that's far more valuable than just checking off the next box.