Regular reports of xylitol poisoning in dogs motivated the U.S. Center of Veterinary Medicine to release a quick article and a 90-second video on how to keep pets safe.
Sugar-free gum is a big no-no for pets, and a short new video from the FDA tries to get that point across to owners. (pixarno/
Inspired by a recent dog poisoning involving sugar-free ice cream, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Center for Veterinary Medicine has shared a 90-second video explaining the dangers of the sugar substitute xylitol to pets.
The video opens with a quick warning that xylitol ingestion can be fatal in dogs and any worry that a dog has eaten something containing the sweetener requires a visit to the veterinarian and/or a call to a poison helpline. It then outlines the effects of xylitol intoxication and dives into the biggest piece of advice for pet owners: Keep items with xylitol out of reach of pets and read labels on foods and other items before sharing with pets.