Here are 15 tips to help you create effective online ads that will get you noticed:
- Include a “call-to-action” to attract a click-through—this is a MUST
- Have your key message displayed on all frames to ensure that even a viewer who sees your ad for two seconds will receive the message you intended
- Highlight your offer in every frame and on the landing page
- Be sure your offer is specific—don’t just offer a “White Paper” instead offer a “White Paper on Incorporating Practice Management Software”
- Large headlines work better than small headlines
- Use style to highlight words—seven words is optimum for an online ad
- Emphasize product benefits instead of features
- Keep your ad clean, simple, and concise—the simpler the better
- If you have a complex message, consider using a rollover that expands—it will allow you to display your message in greater detail
- Create multiple versions of your ad for testing purposes—different colors, sizes, and messages
- Don’t try and cram all your initiatives into one ad—this will only muddle your message
- Make sure your offer is displayed on the landing page—your landing page should have the same “look and feel” as your ad
- Try and capture your lead on the landing page—limit the number of clicks
- Use Rich Media—it attracts attention and gives the viewer a brand experience
- Keep the file size small—to avoid download delays.