Last words from the Veterinary Economics Editorial Advisory Board


As this magazine prepares to merge with Veterinary Medicine in January, we asked the Veterinary Economics Editorial Advisory Board what veterinary practices must be doing right now if they've been following their advice through the years. Here are their answers…

“Getting good at something and becoming known for being good at it. If two practices are doing the same thing one of them is irrelevant.”

- Jim Kramer DVM, CVPM ?

"Providing clients what the clients really want not what the practice thinks they want or wants them to want!"

-Karen E. Felsted, CPA, MS, DVM, CVPM, CVA


"Attempting to think as far into their practice future as possible when planning and designing. This future should include the practice's ability or flexibility to integrate the most cutting edge procedures and equipment. I believe that technology, medicine, treatment and equipment advancements will continue to find their way into animal hospitals. Client's expectations for both quality of care and quality of facilities will continue to increase."

-Dan Chapel, AIA


"Planning and forecasting so that they can manage the business instead of be managed by the business."

-Shawn McVey, MA, MSW

"Engaging with their community, including community causes. Younger clients especially expects this from businesses. This means a veterinary practice being present and engaged in community events and animal welfare causes. We see this as a defining aspect of tomorrow's hospitals. They need to be perceived as compassionate businesses."

-Heather E. Lewis, AIA, NCARB

"Planning an exit strategy from the beginning and changing what needs to be changed and continuing what is working to make practice fulfilling and profitable."

-Shawn Finch, DVM


"Taking some time to put themself in perspective and make some joy of what they have accomplished. Too often we are looking for the THING WE MUST DO TODAY to make ourselves happy tomorrow, when that thing really is to recognize what we have done before and celebrate that. For most of us still able to work in this great profession, the truth is that it isn't going to ever be better than it is right now, so better enjoy that. Today."

 -Craig Woloshyn, DVM


"Putting their family, friends and hobbies first and keeping a healthy work-life balance."

-Andy Rollo, DVM

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