The mosquitoes are coming! The mosquitoes are coming!


And carried with them is the threat of heartworm disease for veterinary patients.

(Shutterstock)In this video from the American Heartworm Society, we start out in Europe-ciao!-where veterinary parasitologist Dr. Laura Kramer resides and passes on her knowledge of all things vector-borne in the Department of Veterinary Science at the University of Parma in Italy. But the increased dispersion of mosquitoes in Europe is mirrored here in the United States, where endemic areas are expanding from the south and southwest toward the west and the north. What's causing the spread? Dr. Kramer sees three factors:

  • Climate change

  • Infected dogs moving around more than in the past

  • New mosquito vectors that can transmit heartworm disease

Stop to consider the second point above-an infected dog moving into a new area. Dr. Kramer says this can create a new endemic area of heartworm disease right where you live.

All of this can illustrate to your clients the importance of a heartworm preventive. No matter where you practice, prevention is a must-without it, infection is just a matter of time. Because those mosquitoes-they are a comin':

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