Partnership secures $4.5 million for AVMA programs


Schaumburg, Ill. -- The Platinum Partner Program (P3), a joint effort between Fort Dodge Animal Health, Hill's Pet Nutrition and Merial, has secured $4.5 million for American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) programs and services.

Schaumburg, Ill.

-- The Platinum Partner Program (P3), a joint effort between Fort Dodge Animal Health, Hill's Pet Nutrition and Merial, has secured $4.5 million for American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) programs and services.

Each P3 company pledged $380,000 per year over the next four years to the AVMA. In return, the AVMA will highlight contributions to veterinary medicine made by the P3 companies through advertorials in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA) and promotional efforts on the AVMA Web site and other AVMA events and publications.

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