Pet insurance CE course slated for AVMA meeting


Seattle -- The AVMA GHLIT will offer a preview of its pet health insurance continuing-education course at the annual convention in Seattle next month.


-- The AVMA GHLIT will offer a preview of its pet health insurance continuing-education course at the annual convention in Seattle next month.

The course, certified by the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB) Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE), will be offered at noon July 14 at the Washington State Convention & Trade Center.

Pet Insurance 101 is an introductory course designed to provide veterinarians and veterinary staff with an overview of pet health insurance. The course reviews plan designs, types of coverage, exclusions, terminology, how claims are filed and the financial benefits provided to pet owners. It compares the advantages of having pet insurance vs. other potential funding sources.

Veterinarians and their staffs are not expected to sell pet insurance to clients, nor are they licensed to do so, according to a release from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Group Health Life Insurance Trust (GHLIT). Instead, they should simply direct all sales questions to the pet-insurance providers.

To register for the course, click here or call 800-974-3084.

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