Q&A: Find your dream associate


Our practice is in the process of hiring our first associate. What should we look for in a candidate?

First, decide what talents you want in a new associate, says Sheila Grosdidier, RVT, a partner with VMC Inc. in Evergreen, Colo. Talents are qualities ingrained in an individual at a fundamental level. Talent can be developed with coaching and training, but the initial seed must be present for it to grow and flourish. Consider carefully what talents would fit best with your client base and with your team, then seek to identify those qualities in candidates during the interview process. And don't settle for anything less than what you want.

Knowing specifically what you want and taking the time to thoroughly evaluate candidates is critical to your success. The good news is that the right doctor is out there; all you have to do is recognize her talents when she walks through your door.

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Managing practice caseloads
Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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