Survey hunts future answers to today's problems in equine industry


Daytona, Fla. -- What are horse owners thinking? The nonprofit group American Horse Publications (AHP) is hoping to find out with a new online survey sponsored by Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health and Pfizer Animal Health.

Daytona, Fla.

-- What are horse owners thinking? The nonprofit group American Horse Publications (AHP) is hoping to find out with a new online survey sponsored by Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health and Pfizer Animal Health.

Questions run the gamut from how owners are using and caring for their horses to medical care, financial issues, and the most serious trends in the near future.

"We think this is a great opportunity ... to reach into the horse industry to get answers about how we are doing today, how we think we'll be doing in the near future, and what we are concerned about in our industry," says Kimberly Brown, AHP president.

Respondents will include self-selected men and women, 18 or older, who own, manage or lease at least one horse in the United States. The survey is anonymous.

A University of Kentucky economics professor, C. Jill Stowe, PhD, is overseeing the data collection and analysis.

The survey closes Jan. 15.

To participate, click here.

To share the survey with local equine groups and horse-owning clients, copy and paste this URL: .

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