Omaha, Neb. -- The American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) installed a new president, president-elect and vice president at its annual meeting this month.
Omaha, Neb.
-- The American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV) installed a new president, president-elect and vice president at its annual meeting this month.
New AASV president Paul Ruen, DVM, owns the predominantly swine practice Fairmont Veterinary Clinic in Fairmont, Minn. Ruen has served as an AASV district director, vice president, and president-elect. He grew up in Minnesota and graduated from the University of Minnesota School of Veterinary Medicine in 1992.
One of Ruen's priorities will be encouraging swine veterinarians to work closely with pig owners to demonstrate a high level of care to the public, according to AASV.
Randy Jones, DVM, is AASV's new president-elect. Jones owns and operates a swine medicine practice in Kingston, N.C. He previously served as an AASV board member and is former president of the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association. He graduated from North Carolina State University's veterinary college in 1985.
The new vice president, Tara Donovan, DVM, is a 1998 graduate of Kansas State University's veterinary college. She is vice president of veterinary management for The HANOR Co., a pork producer in six states with more than 500 employees. Donovan has served on several committees since joining AASV in 1996.