Find out how changing your perspective can aid in combatting the anxiety and depression often associated with the veterinary profession.
When it comes to tackling anxiety and depression and enhancing your overall well-being, shifting your perspective, along with seeking a mental health professional are crucial first steps, according to Quincy Hawley, DVM, a relief veterinarian and cofounder of Get MotiVETed!, an online community that helps veterinary professionals learn how to thrive in veterinary medicine.
“Perspective is the ability to see the advantages and disadvantages, to see opportunity in chaos, and realize life is always happening for you and not to you,” Hawley told dvm360.
In his pursuit to improve his own well-being, Hawley discovered that it wasn’t what was going on at the veterinary hospital that was causing burnout and depression, the real battle was with his mindset and personal attitude.
Understanding how to change his perspective about stressful situations empowered Hawley to not just get through each day but to strive to gain something from each moment.
Watch the video below for more insight on changing your mindset. For resources to help you improve your well-being, go here.