Check out today's featured sessions!
So much is happening in veterinary oncology! Catch up with Dr Sue on what’s new and how it impacts you and your patients in your general practice. This review is always newly updated and will focus on the latest diagnostics and treatments in oncology with an emphasis on clinical diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring in general practice. I will introduce Stelfonta® and give you my top tips for the recently FDA-approved intratumor injection for mast cell tumors. This talk will also introduce the recently launched NuQTM Vet Cancer Screening test for dogs and Laverdia®, the first oral lymphoma treatment that was conditionally approved by the FDA in January. Additional topics will be addressed based on what’s current at the time of the meeting. Also, find out what’s new with Dr Sue.
Orthopedic ailments occur frequently in both our young and old patients. The good news is a differential diagnosis list can be developed quickly based on the age of the patient, and the limb affected. However, physically examining our patients is needed to guide the direction for additional diagnostics and treatment. This lecture will focus on how to perform a thorough orthopedic examination quickly. We will explore an examination of the front limb and hind limb paying particular attention for commonly missed signs and problems. The goal is to be able to complete the examination in under 5 minutes and have a great idea of what could possibly be wrong.
The complete dental procedure, from the pre-anesthetic exam to the discharge, is explained. This lecture covers what one needs to do before putting an animal under anesthesia for a dental procedure. This includes a physical exam, blood work, consent forms, anesthetic protocols, and pain management before the procedure is started. Once our patient is under anesthesia, we must know and understand positioning, monitoring, basic instruments, and the steps of a dental procedure from induction to recovery, to the patient walking out the door. Key points are: client education, communication, anesthetic monitoring, and performing/writing appropriate discharge instructions. Attendees will learn how to present all of the information so that clients can understand the value of high-quality dental care and be more compliant.
The exploratory laparotomy procedure is presented as are techniques for obtaining biopsy samples of various abdominal tissues during the procedure. Principles of abdominal wall closure are summarized.
Are you practice-weary, uninspired, feeling unappreciated? Perhaps you've lost touch with your purpose, your Big Why. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to reignite your passion so that you can create the care-focused practice you love that loves you back.
It is still not too late to sign for! To register, go here.