Follow this checklist of details you shouldn't leave on a pet owner's answering machine or message service.
If you're responsible for calling pet owners about their overdue bills, use this checklist to stay courteous and professional. It's also a good idea to check with your practice's legal counsel about safety measures you need to take to protect clients' financial information and privacy.
Don't use rude or abusive language.
Don't call at inappropriate times of day--early morning or late evening, for example.
Don't leave messages on voice mail or answering machine about the debt. Only ask them to call you back at the practice's number.
Don't talk to anyone who's not the person responsible for the account.
Don't call the pet owner at work.
Veterinary Heroes: Patricia Kennedy Arrington, DVM, CVFP
December 1st 2024As a leader in 24-hour veterinary care and a champion for women in the field, Patricia Kennedy Arrington, DVM, CVFP, has dedicated her 50-year career to transforming veterinary medicine and inspiring future practitioners.
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Veterinary Heroes: Ann E. Hohenhaus, DVM, DACVIM (Oncology, SAIM)
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