Are you knowledgeable? Are you wise? There is a difference
October 1st 2001George Anyon, a philosopher, penned this thought, "Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much; wisdom is humble that he knows no more." What is the meaning of this aphorism? Is there a difference between knowledge and wisdom? How does this thought apply to our role as veterinary practitioners?
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Iatrogenic urinary disorders: How can you minimize them?
March 1st 2001The Greek term "iatros" means physician, and is derived from the word "iasthai", which means to heal or cure. In modern usage "iatro" connotes a relationship to medical or surgical treatments. The term iatrogenic contains the root word "iatros," and the root word "gennan" which means "to create or produce".
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Discolored urine: What does it mean?
February 1st 2001Interpretation of color is subjective, and therefore varies from person to person. The most reliable results are obtained when a standardized method is consistently used. Urine color should be evaluated by placing a standardized volume of urine in a standardized clear plastic or glass container and viewing the sample against a white background with the aid of a good light source.
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