Christopher J. Allen, DVM, JD is president of the Associates in Veterinary Law P.C., which provides legal and consulting services exclusively to veterinarians. He can be reached via e-mail at Dr. Allen serves on dvm360 magazine's Editorial Advisory Board.
Thrift, fear roadblocks to seeking legal advice
August 1st 2001In last month's article, we looked at various ways to free-up more of the veterinary clinic budget by saving on discretionary legal and accounting fees. This month, I will point out some beneficial ways to spend some of that free cash in order to maximize the economic productivity of the practice.
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Planning can keep legal costs more affordable
July 1st 2001There is one thing that a good accountant and a good attorney have in common with a good priest and a good bartender. Each, if doing his job properly, is more than willing to listen intently to the problems of others in a caring and non-judgmental way.
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Non-competes hinge on 'rational terms'
April 1st 2001As we discussed in February, this series is covering issues relating to non-competition agreements where there are almost always hidden issues involved when a veterinarian agrees to limit the scope or location of his or her right to practice his or her profession.
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Second in a three-part series: Non-competes hinge on 'rational terms'
February 1st 2001As we discussed last month, in this series covering issues relating to non-competition agreements, there are almost always hidden issues involved when a veterinarian agrees to limit the scope or location of his or her right to practice his or her profession.
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