Dr. Michael Petty, DVM, CVPP, CVMA, CCRT, CAAPM, owns Arbor Pointe Veterinary Hospital, Canton, Michigan.
Understanding pain pathways and pharmacologic targets (Proceedings)
May 1st 2011Good analgesic effect for patients with osteosaroma, especially those with metastatic diesease. Biphosphonates inhibit osteoclastic activitiy, thereby reducing bone resorption and they promote repair through stimulation of osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. They have poor oral absorption so are given by the IV route.
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Use of epidural analgesia for surgery (Proceedings)
August 1st 2010An "epidural" is defined as an injection into the epidural space, most commonly performed at the lumbo-sacral junction. It was originally used in animals to avoid the use of general anesthetics in aged debilitated and shocky animals back when anesthetic choices were more limited and more dangerous than the options we have today.
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Treating acute pain of medical conditions (Proceedings)
August 1st 2010There are many medical conditions that can be quite painful, and are often forgotten in our pursuit to cure the disease. Common among these are eye pain, urinary cystitis, pancreatitis, renal uroliths, anal sac infection and acute moist dermatitis.
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Dealing with controlled substances used for pain therapy (Proceedings)
August 1st 2010The Controlled Substance Act was initiated to stop the diversion of narcotics, especially opioids for the purpose of abuse and misuse. Opioids are the number one cause of death in drug overdoses. The Act is aimed at giving us, the practitioner, some reasonable guidelines for ordering, storing, handling and prescribing these drugs.
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