Freelance writer Rachael Zimlich worked as a reporter for dvm360 magazine before returning to school to become a registered nurse. She now works at The Cleveland Clinic.
UC-Davis uncovers possible foundation for Salmonella vaccine
April 1st 2012Davis, Calif. - An international research team led by Stephen McSorley, an immunologist and associate professor in the University of California-Davis (UC-Davis) Center for Comparative Medicine and the School of Veterinary Medicine, identified a set of antigens that could provide a foundation for developing a potective Salmonella vaccine.
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UGA researcher closes in on Chagas vaccine for companion animals
April 1st 2012Athens, Ga. - A researcher in the University of Georgia's Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases says he is closing in on a vaccine for pets that could slow the spread of Chagas disease in people and animals.
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Texas A&M regents approve $120 million for veterinary hospital expansion, classrooms
April 1st 2012College Station, Texas - The Texas A&M University System Board of Regents will spend $120 million to expand its small-animal hospital and construct a new building to house classrooms and a teaching laboratory.
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Manhattan, Kan. - Although President Barack Obama's 2013 budget proposal doesn't include an anticipated $50 million for the construction of the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) in Kansas, plans to build the facility are by no means derailed, say those close to the project.
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Executive Board revises extra-label use policy, comments on new FDA rules
April 1st 2012Schaumburg, Ill. - The American Veterinary Medical Association Executive Board revised its policy on extra-label drug use in January, and the association says it will use the new policy to comment on additional restrictions placed on the use of cephalosporin-class antimicrobials in most food animals by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
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GHLIT urges veterinarians to speak out to preserve future of program
April 1st 2012Schaumburg, Ill. - The American Veterinary Medical Association Group Health and Life Insurance Trust is worried about its fate as the January 2014 effective date for President Barack Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act approaches.
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National Report - More than half of the deans at the nation's 28 veterinary colleges say cuts to state funding have negatively affected their ability to maintain academic programs and course offerings, according to new survey data collected by the Association of American Veterinary Colleges (AAVMC).
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