Dr. Catanzaro was the first veterinarian to earn diplomate status in the American College of Healthcare Executives. In the past four years he has had 10 practice management-related texts published.
Life skills turn priceless in practice
November 1st 2005You have graduated; you passed the boards, and you have finally found a practice that is a great fit. The owner is excited about having you start your career at the practice, too. Now you must walk through the door of that practice and make your first impression as a new team member.
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Headknocking: What's a practice manager to do?
June 19th 2005It's great to see many practices are now acknowledging that the old, traditional methods of management are not effective, and they are modernizing their strategies and taking steps to improve staff morale, and consequently productivity.
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Mistakes happen: Learn how to manage them
November 1st 2004In preparing this article, my mind races back to my days as a veterinary student at Colorado State University. One of the more vivid memories I recall involved my surgery partner. He was performing a femoral head resection. The stockinette leg slips up his arm, and he grabs it with his lower jaw and shoulder just as the surgery professor walks up.
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How to manage personality conflicts in practice
September 17th 2004The trite phrase, "personality conflicts," allows key issues to be ignored or defined out of existence in daily operations. The term could mean the practice did not hire for "team fit," or they did not establish a "safe-haven" environment when establishing behavior expectations.
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How open should you be about open book management?
August 1st 2004The phrase "open book management" means many different things to different people, and in some arenas makes the staff cringe with fear of the charts posted on the wall and the monthly beatings which occur when they do not reach their assigned quotas.
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Five-step process will help you develop vaccine protocols in your practice
July 1st 2003The recent publication of the new canine guidelines by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) is creating some debate throughout the veterinary profession and has hit a little closer to home for even more practitioners.
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