Wield the benevolent brainwashing powers of classical conditioning and desensitization to both fix and prevent problem behaviors in your veterinary practice.
Pet owners are often frantic when they show up at the emergency veterinary hospital. Helping them know what to expect through all the steps of their visit is a simple way to alleviate worry and stress.
Dr. Hanna Ekström treats the homeless pets of Seattle in her nonprofit mobile veterinary unit.
Veterinary clients arent always fair (or in their right mind). Your practice team members expect a lot of you. The learning never ends. The job isnt easy. Here are the lessons I picked up after veterinary school that might help you as you get started.
A guide for general practitioners in performing hepatic guillotine and punch biopsy techniques.
There are lessons to be learned from the many companies that have disappeared in recent years.
Learn how these artificial intelligence solutions can help advance your veterinary practice's capabilities.
Vet teams: Dont underestimate the power of your guidance when encouraging pet owners to make objective decisions about pet food. Youre better armed than you think.
When dogs delicate eyes suffer from ulceration, your veterinary clients, patients and doctors may all experience moments of frustration. Heres what you need to know when these cases present.
Pumpkin offers pet owners a new way to bundle their pet’s health insurance with a holistic preventive care plan.
CEUS may be a helpful presurgical screening tool for detecting lesions not apparent on conventional abdominal ultrasound.
Research highlights the connection between the veterinarian-client relationship and attitudes toward veterinary care.
"Y" some men have problems with eXXtraordinary women
Performing a manual differential on every CBC you do sounds like a drag, but it could make all the difference for your veterinary patients.
COVID-19 has tested our skills and forced veterinary practice owners, associates and teams out of our comfort zones in many ways. It has also taught us some important lessons along the way.
Veterinary practice owners: Here are five things you or a trusted practice manager can watch regularly to make sure raising prices isnt the only way your practice survives.
Time is of the essence when determining whether an equine patient has this potentially life-threatening problem. So, make sure you know what diagnostic clues to look forand what could be a red herring.
After a routine veterinary check, the Humane Society has released their latest report, listing puppy mills and dog sellers for consumers to be wary of and government agencies to act on.
Although usually not fatal, this devastating respiratory virus causes substantial economic loss and performance impairment.