The barrage of COVID-19 research has begun, including studies that have not yet been qualitatively reviewed for the validity of findings or suitability for publication. Here's what you should keep in mind.
Continuous glucose monitoring devices provide a complete picture of the glucose trends in patients with diabetes.
Assessing pain, maintaining oral health, and monitoring blood work may lead to improved quality of life
By using the properties of water, patients with certain conditions can benefit from muscle relaxation, improved joint range of motion, muscle tone, strength, and endurance
The intricate relationship between human and pet microbiomes represents a fascinating and highly relevant area of study for veterinary professionals.
The Vcheck V200 in-clinic analyzer provides quantitative results in minutes
Millennials are one of the largest driving forces behind pet health insurance growth.
Subsequently, first responders and working dogs may be more exposed to opioids during their course of duty
Determining a patient’s primary allergic trigger is important to optimizing an allergic pet’s comfort and response to therapies
Arlo, a 2-month-old intact male Siberian husky, was presented to his primary care veterinarian 1 week after being bitten on the muzzle by another dog.
To stand out from the crowd, veterinary practices must take advantage of every online opportunity to showcase their offerings and exceptional service.
Feline atopic dermatitis is a long-term disease process that is not curable but is manageable.
The CDC has reported a case in Louisiana where the patient is hospitalized and had a history of exposure to backyard poultry
This research sheds light on SARS-CoV-2 transmission between humans and various animals including cats, dogs, ferrets, and farm minks.
Overstocking in veterinary hospitals is a challenge that often goes unnoticed
Learn some key steps to take when navigating the muddy world of a client complaint.
Protect yourself and coworkers by learning the toxic behaviors of workplace harassment, including sexual harassment, and how to foster a safe space for your team members to thrive in.