Blog: After 2.5 years studying pet meds market, FTC calls ... drumroll ... for more study
Report presents misguided conclusions but does not demand federal legislation mandating veterinary prescriptions.
Maryland steroid violations raise questions about equine veterinarians' role
Use of compounded stanozolol results in postrace suspensions; experts debate legitimate vs. prohibited use.
Blog: Connecticut legislature launches veterinary sales tax effort
Veterinarians', pet owners' input needed before June 3 session close date.
Appeals court upholds ruling against Internet veterinarian
Says Texas practice act's physical exam requirement does not violate free speech rights; Dr. Ron Hines plans to petition Supreme Court to hear case.
Blog: State veterinary boards need to heed Supreme Court ruling
Justices say prohibition of teeth whitening by nondentists unfairly restricts competition.
Blog: Between extremes of states rights and federal power
Egg legislation points to the need for moderation, compromise in issues where interests conflict.
Blog: Veterinary issues to watch in 2015 Congress
Pet medications bill still kicking; new grants could provide opportunities for rural veterinarians.
AVMA makes last-ditch effort to convince lame duck Congress to vote on soring bill
If the anti-soring legislation doesn't pass with the 113th Congress, a certain Kentucky Republican may make it impossible in 2015.
FDA warns makers of tear stain removers to pull products from market
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning to the makers of certain over-the-counter products designed to remove tear stains in dogs and cats.
New USDA rule: Imported dogs must be at least 6 months old, healthy
Regulations authorized in recent addition to Animal Welfare Act.
Brakke and Trone look to inject data into discussion of veterinary pharmaceutical market
New research aims to illustrate how the veterinary industry can prepare for a change in the pet pharmaceutical market.
Alabama spay-neuter clinic veterinarian appointed to controversial ASBVME
In ironic twist, Dr. Margaret Ferrell, a target of the Alabama state board, is appointed by the Governor to serve on it.
American Veterinary Medical Association revises pregnant sow housing policy
AVMA amended its policy on pregnant sow housing during its annual convention.
Washington VMA finds veterinarians split on declaw issue
Association surveys members in anticipation of legislative effort.
Veterinary advisory committee to oversee horse safety and welfare at The Celebration
AVMA still calls for independent, third party inspections to ensure soring does not occur.
Clock is ticking on veterinary legislation in 113th Congress
AVMA works to pass remaining high-priority bills on its 2014 legislative agenda.
Fairness to Pet Owners Act introduced in U.S. Senate
Legislation mandates veterinary prescription writing.
Veterinary Mobility Act ready for President Obama's signature
Reps. Schrader and Yoho lead bill to unanimous passage in U.S. House removing the DEA target from mobile veterinarians' backs.
Ala. state board finds veterinarian guilty after controversial hearing
Charges against Dr. William Weber became the center of the ASBVME's public battle against nonprofit spay/neuter clinics.
Blog: Idaho joins battle over shelter veterinary clinics
Prepare to see more state VMAs weighing in on the role of low-cost shelter veterinary services.
Blog: The calm before the calm on the high seas of animal policy
Congress, states do little to interfere with veterinary medicine.
Reinfection of herds thought to be immune increases efforts to quell PEDv
Agriculture Secretary Vilsack pledges $26.2 million to aid veterinary effort to combat deadly porcine disease.
d-CON complies with EPA, but sticks with anticoagulant rodenticide
Veterinary toxicology expert cites 65 percent increase in bromethalin exposure calls since EPA banned second-generation anticoagulants.
Compounded drug may have killed four horses, FDA reports
10 horses in Kentucky and Florida affected by EPM treatment; agency is investigating.
Agriculture Secretary Vilsack orders federal response to PEDv
Federal assistance comes after political pressure and continued spread of deadly virus despite massive veterinary response.
KS Board of Veterinary Examiners merged into state's department of ag
State legislators believe move will create greater efficiency within the animal health industry.
Veterinary Mobility Act seems to have clear path to President's desk
H.R. 1528 passed out of committee and is anticipated to go before the U.S. House as soon as this week.
Arizona animal massage therapists sue state veterinary board
Therapists challenge state law requiring a veterinary license to practice massage on pets.
Bill backed by walking horse group introduced to counter anti-soring legislation
AVMA cites bipartisan support for PAST Act, says new bill just a diversion.
'Internet Vet' wins first round against Texas veterinary board
Judge rules Dr. Ron Hines' online veterinary advice subject to First Amendment interpretation.