Early detection and treatment of laryngeal neuropathy
June 1st 2011John Cheetham, VetMB, Dipl. ACVS, Department of Clinical Sciences, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, has recently received a grant from the Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation to study recurrent laryngeal neuropathy in horses.
Analysis: First-of-its-kind study by Banfield reveals companion-animal health trends
June 1st 2011Portland, Ore. - A first-of-its kind study of 2.1 million dogs and 450,000 cats by Banfield Pet Hospital show increases in diabetes dental disease, flea infestations and other common and preventable health problems.
Livestock reproductive services would require DVM supervision
June 1st 2011Des Moines, Iowa - Lawmakers are calling for certification for pregnancy testing using ultrasound and embryo-transfer services by mandating that non-DVMs performing such duties be certified by the board of veterinary medicine and work under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian.
Nutritional value of senior dog food varies widely
June 1st 2011North Grafton, Mass. - Dog owners often assume that pet food for senior dogs is tailored to the nutritional needs of the older pet, possibly offering reduced calories or age-specific nutrients. But results of a new study indicate the nutritional value of food targeted to older dogs can vary widely from brand to brand.
Gulf spill offered veterinarians insights on emergency response
June 1st 2011National Report - For veterinarians still taking care of marine mammals and sea turtles along the Gulf Coast, it was business as usual on April 20-the one-year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill that dumped millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.
APPA says pet spending is up, predicts big jump in veterinary care
June 1st 2011National Report - While repots within the veterinary profession are signaling an alarm that visits are down, a new poll from the American Pet Products Association indicates that 16 percent of dog owners and 13 percent of cat owners say their pets' health takes as much priority as their own.