1 easy trick to get clients to love you


Some practices have been doing it for more than 10 years. Others still don't. Every client loves seeing their pet's photo, so why doesn't it show up on every written piece from your hospital?

He's ready for his closeup, daaaaahliiiiing. (Image Shutterstock.com)This is my favorite practice software marketing tip nowadays. Our veterinary assistant Kristen Heckman started it.

Here's as complicated as it needs to be, if you have any trouble directly saving to your software:

1. Take a pet profile picture.

2. Upload it to Facebook (but keep it private) from the smartphone, tablet or laptop-whatever you used to take it.

3. Save it back to your practice software in the patient's record.

4. Put it on everything the client gets.

Thanks to the photo's integration in our Impromed Infinity software, the pic prints on medical records, take-home instructions and reminder postcards. Clients love it! We do too. I think pets get better medicine when you can see their cute faces-it's easier to remember them when you call to go over blood work or answer questions.

Shawn Finch, DVM, is an associate at Gentle Doctor Animal Hospitals in the Omaha, Nebraska, area.

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