2009 marketing priorities and plans


2009 marketing priorities and plans

According to a “2009 Marketing Priorities and Plans” survey by BtoB, nearly one-third of b-to-b marketers plan to increase their marketing budgets next year. The survey found that 31.1 percent of marketers plan to boost their marketing budgets next year, while 43.5 percent plan to keep budgets flat. Of those planning increases, one-quarter intend to raise them by more than 20 percent, and nearly 9 percent plan increases between 15 and 19 percent.

Of the various media platforms b-to-b marketers will use next year, online is a clear winner, with 66.5 percent of marketers planning to increase their online spending. Traditional media platforms will also see increased spending next year, such as events (31 percent) and print (20.6 percent).

However, the survey found that about one-quarter of marketers plan to decrease their marketing budgets next year. Of those planning decreases, 33.2 percent plan to cut spending on print and 30.5 percent will cut spending on events.

Source: www.btobonline.com; Exclusive survey finds only 25 percent plan to cut budgets, by Kate Maddox. Posted-Dec. 8, 2008.

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Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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