In 2009 raises will come ... for some


More than half of employers expect to raise salaries in next three months, according to survey.

Unless you're teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, it's good advice to reward team members for their good work-even in a downturn. More than 3,000 hiring managers surveyed in a recent survey agree: Take a peek at the chart above.

Forty-three percent of the 56 percent in the chart said raises will be 3 percent or more. The other 13 percent said salary hikes will be 5 percent or more. Some new employees will get a boost, too: 33 percent of hiring managers expect to increase salaries on initial job offers.

Harris Interactive conducted the survey of 3,259 hiring managers and human resource professionals in private companies.

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Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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