3 must-reads on rehabilitation innovation


Articles spotlighting 2024 technological advancements for improving outcomes for veterinary patients in need of rehabilitation therapy

Veterinary rehabilitation

Photo: Claudia Luna/Adobe Stock

A senior dog recovers from a medical procedure.

Research has found that rehabilitation is useful for improving the lives of veterinary patients with various orthopedic and neurologic conditions.1 To aid in rehabilitation therapy, proper equipment is needed, and advancing technology and innovation for veterinary use has been robust in 2024. To learn more about some of the ways rehabilitation therapy is moving forward, read the following articles:

  • New mobility products for the veterinary market: Walkin’ Pets launched the “Vet Exclusive Line” of new products earlier this year, at the 2024 Veterinary Meeting & Expo in Orlando, Florida. These products included an adjustable splint for lower leg support, training socks to enhance proprioception, a wrist hugger that supports the carpal joint while allowing freedom of movement; and a hock hugger for support of the tarsal joint and prevents hyperextension.
  • New cold laser therapy devices: Domer Technology released 2 new cold laser devices that are used in humans and animals. These laser devices can help manage pain from treat joint, ligament, or tendon injuries; post-surgical or trauma wounds; nerve injury; inflammation; muscle sprains or strains; bone arthritis, fracture, or dysplasia; and more.
  • First ever green and violet laser: Erchonia recently introduced the first green and violet laser (GVL) for the veterinary market. This GVL is designed to improve outcomes with non-healing wounds, chronic infections, pain and inflammation, postoperative healing, bone healing, anxiety, neurological trauma, and more.


  1. Millis DL, Ciuperca IA. Evidence for canine rehabilitation and physical therapy. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 2015;45(1):1-27. doi:10.1016/j.cvsm.2014.09.001

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