7 ways to stay healthy and fit at work


Take care of yourself so you can take care of your veterinary patients.

Summer is long gone and colder weather is just around the corner. As the winter months approach, hibernation might seem like a good coping mechanism after a long day at your veterinary clinic. But less physical activity can leave you tense and tight. According to physician members of the Pennsylvania Medical Society, it’s a good idea to build health and fitness into your daily office routine.

It’s also important to be aware of diet and nutrition. It’s easy to fall into a routine of snacking the wrong way and overeating at lunch. So carry a water bottle to the office rather than hitting the soda machine and snack on fruit and vegetables instead of candy or other sweets. For better health, the physician members of the Pennsylvania Medical Society offer the following ideas on how to incorporate fitness and health into the office:

1. Walk as much as possible. Park far from the office entrance. Take the steps instead of the elevator. Make rounds. Take a walk during lunch.

2. Take a few moments to perform stretches. Throughout your workday, try doing some stretches for your shoulders, back, arms, hips, and legs. These stretches could include shoulder shrugs, neck rolls, side bends, upper body twists, torso stretches, hip rotations, or toe touches.

3. Perform body weight exercises. Exercising doesn’t require a trip to the gym. Try performing activities like toe raises, seated leg extensions, wall pushups, doorframe pushups, book curls and overhead presses, or climbing stairs.

4. Pack your lunch with healthy options. If go out for lunch, don’t overdo it. Consider a salad. Or, if you’re served an oversized lunch portion, don’t be afraid to ask for a doggie bag so that you can enjoy it for another meal.

5. Replace your desk chair with an exercise ball. Sitting on an exercise ball can keep your spine aligned properly and improve circulation throughout your body.

6. Practice good hygiene to help fight the spread of colds and flu. That means washing your hands regularly and staying home if you’re sick and contagious.

Veterinary team members who make an effort to stay healthy are more effective and happy at work. Follow these tips to become a more relaxed employee—and a healthier person.

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