Vet techs: You have a tough job, and you do it with strength, grace, and humor. Enjoy your week!
Happy National Veterinary Technician Week! We at dvm360® want to take a moment to celebrate all of the amazing veterinary technicians, veterinary assistants, client service representatives, hospital managers, and other team members who work hard every day to help their hospitals run efficiently. One week is simply not enough time to celebrate their contributions to the field, says behavior expert Steve Dale, CABC.
"Veterinary technicians are the lifeline of our clinic. They balance so much on a daily basis, and there is no way we could function without them. Also, veterinary technicians make my job more fun and keep me on my toes," says Ashley Bourgeois, DVM, DACVD.
Fear Free founder Marty Becker, DVM, echoes these sentiments. "I believe veterinary technicians (nurses) are the single most important team members in a veterinary practice," he says. "They have the most face time with pets and pet parents, they develop strong relationships with the family, work as partners with veterinarians in healthcare, and are often the heart that fuels the practice, and the glue that holds it together."
Here are some Tech Week greetings from veterinarians and a veterinary behavior expert who also wanted to express their deep gratitude for veterinary technicians. Check out the video below. Happy Vet Tech Week 2020!